What if I’m unhappy with how my application has been processed?

We would like to think that we can answer your queries in the most helpful and respectful way we can but understand there may be times you have concerns.  You can contact us through our website at https://www.shettleston.co.uk/contact-us or call us on 0141 763 0511 if you want to discuss something further.

As a Registered Social Landlord, we are subject to legal requirements and regulatory guidance so if you’re still unhappy, we have a formal complaints procedure which has ultimate recourse to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. A copy of our complaints leaflet accessed here – https://www.shettleston.co.uk/documents/leaflets/complaints-leaflet-2018-latest/ .

How long will it take to get a home?

Unfortunately there’s no simple answer here.  This depends on things like the number of “points” you have after your application is assessed and what demand for homes is like in your chosen areas.

We will do everything we can to find the right home in the right area for you.

What list will I be placed on?

What list you are placed on will depend on your circumstances:

  • If you are a current SHA tenant, you will be placed on the Transfer List.
  • If you are not a current tenant you will be placed on the General Waiting List.
  • If you are seeking rehousing due to medical reasons you may be placed on the Medical List following separate assessment.

We also have a referral arrangement with Glasgow City Council to accept homeless referrals so a person or family experiencing homelessness can be rehoused by the Association.

All these lists and agreed referrals for rehousing have quota targets agreed on an annual basis by our Committee which determine the percentage of lets to each. Please ask us for updated information if you want to know more.

How are offers made?

If selected for allocation you will be made an offer only within your selected area(s). The offer will be made in writing and arrangements made for you to view the property. If it is not suitable, we will allow you two more offers before being placed on the “Non Active” list. Staff will actively engage with you throughout the offer process to ensure your selected areas of choice are correctly recorded.

The entitlement of three offers will ONLY apply to an applicant offered rehousing via the Association’s OWN waiting lists. If an applicant has been given overriding priority via a homeless referral from Glasgow City Council (GCC) they will only be entitled to one offer by the Association.

Where Is SHA Stock located?

Most of our stock is in the Shettleston area and the majority is tenement and flatted properties but we do also have some properties in Budhill, Springboig, Greenfield and Sandyhills which also includes main door properties. Details of our stock can be viewed here https://www.shettleston.co.uk/housing-stock-profile-2/ and on our map: https://www.shettleston.co.uk/find-a-home/property-map/.

Where you want to live may affect how quickly we can potentially rehouse you even if you have been awarded a high level of priority on one of our lists as turnover and demand can vary hugely in different parts of our stock. The fewer areas you select the less chance we have in being able to help you.

It might be of interest to know that our subsidiary company, East End Housing Development Company, also has market and Mid Market Rent properties. Please do not hesitate to contact us if this may be of interest. Unlike our social rented stock, some income criteria applies to the Mid Market stock. You can read more at https://www.shettleston.co.uk/find-a-home/mid-market-rent/.

What happens once I apply?

When you apply you will be advised if you have been placed on the “Active” or “Non-Active” list. Allocations are only made from the “Active” list. Applicants will only be removed from the “Active” list for the following very specific suspension reasons:

  • an applicant or member of household has acted in an anti-social manner
  • outstanding debts in relation to a previous tenancy and there are no plans in place to repay the debt
  • given false statement or misleading statement on application form
  • been subject to an order of recovery ie; evicted from a tenancy
  • abandoned a previous property
  • threatening or violent behaviour within a residential property and surrounding areas.
  • intentionally worsened their own circumstances to promote their application for housing
  • already been made one or more offers of rehousing

Other than the suspensions outlined above the Association will only remove an applicant from our list if they fail to respond to an annual review, an applicant requests this in writing or if deceased.

How will my application be assessed?

All applicants applying for housing regardless of any individual circumstances have a right to be admitted to the housing list and we aim to respond to your application within 14 days of receipt.  We aim to give reasonable preference to those households in housing need and when assessing applications priority will be given to those households who are experiencing some or all of the following circumstances:

  • Overcrowded properties
  • Occupying properties lacking basic amenities
  • Homelessness
  • Unsatisfactory housing conditions (which can include medical as well as some social need)

Points will be allocated in accordance with Association policy to reflect the assessed housing need. You can find a copy of our Allocations Policy at https://www.shettleston.co.uk/u-allocations-policy.

Who can apply?

  • The Association operates an open access allocations system and anyone aged 16 years or over can apply to us to be placed on a waiting list and have their application assessed.
  • We receive around 800-1000 applications a year but unfortunately are only usually able to house around 160-200 applicants per year into our social rented stock