Where Is SHA Stock located?

Most of our stock is in the Shettleston area and the majority is tenement and flatted properties but we do also have some properties in Budhill, Springboig, Greenfield and Sandyhills which also includes main door properties. Details of our stock can be viewed here https://www.shettleston.co.uk/housing-stock-profile-2/ and on our map: https://www.shettleston.co.uk/find-a-home/property-map/.

Where you want to live may affect how quickly we can potentially rehouse you even if you have been awarded a high level of priority on one of our lists as turnover and demand can vary hugely in different parts of our stock. The fewer areas you select the less chance we have in being able to help you.

It might be of interest to know that our subsidiary company, East End Housing Development Company, also has market and Mid Market Rent properties. Please do not hesitate to contact us if this may be of interest. Unlike our social rented stock, some income criteria applies to the Mid Market stock. You can read more at https://www.shettleston.co.uk/find-a-home/mid-market-rent/.