SHA holds successful virtual Annual General Meeting

The Annual General meeting (AGM) of the Association’s members was held on 22nd September.  This year it was held “virtually” by video-conference because of the ongoing restrictions on public gatherings.  Advice and assistance were provided to help several people participate who would otherwise have been unable to.  Thanks to all those who made the effort to take part.   At the meeting, Association Chair Gillian Johnston presented her annual report, during what was her fifth and final AGM as Chairperson.  Gillian, who is a NHS nurse by day, described being Chair as “hard work but a privilege” and thanked Committee and staff for their support during her tenure.  She was then warmly thanked for her successful leadership of the Association during a period of significant change and development.

Aileen Ogston of auditors Scott Moncrieff spoke about the Annual Accounts.   The meeting then considered the nominations that had been received to the Management Committee.  Grace Barbour and Gillian Johnston were re-elected and new recruits Isabella Barnes, Elizabeth Battersby, and Jenny Kiernan will also now join the Committee.   This brings the total number of elected Committee members up to ten.  Full details of the AGM are available on request.

You can read the Chairperson’s report by clicking here.