Glasgow Helps can offer free vital support to those self-isolating

Glasgow Helps can offer free vital support to those self-isolating

If any of our tenants or factored owners have had a positive COVID-19 test, or are self-isolating because you’ve been asked to by NHS Test & Protect, and you have no support network then Glasgow Helps could assist you.  They can help with things like shopping and collecting prescriptions. 

You can contact Glasgow Helps by texting 07451 289255, lines are open Mon – Fri, 9am to 5pm.  If you have no credit on your phone but can get online, you can contact Glasgow Helps at

If you are struggling financially and a Foodbank referral is needed because you’re self-isolating, this can be arranged through Glasgow Helps.  Glasgow Helps will arrange for the food parcel to be delivered.

If you’re self-isolating and can afford food, but are unable to use online shopping, Morrisons offer a Doorstep Delivery Service by phone.  To arrange this please call 0345 611 6111 (Option 5).  Your order will be taken over the phone and delivery arranged.  Payment will be taken by Contactless or Chip & Pin when the shopping is delivered.  If you are elderly or vulnerable, there is no charge for delivery. 

Previous We’re consulting you about increasing the percentage of homes we allocate to the homeless

Helen McGregor House
65 Pettigrew Street

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed between 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Please note that all calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

About us

Shettleston Housing Association Ltd is a registered Scottish Charity, no. SC036687. Registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010, No. 183. Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefits Act 2014, no. SP1884RS. Property Factor Registered, no. PF000226. Authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, No. FRN730115. Letting Agent Registration number, LARN1907017. VAT Number GB873630609.


East End Housing Development Company Limited, is a registered company in Scotland, No. SC293302, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shettleston Housing Association Limited. Scottish Landlord Registration number 305091/260/27591.

Shettleston Housing Association Ltd © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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