Money Advice

Tollcross & Shettleston Money Advice Service (TSMAS)

The Association, in partnership with Tollcross Community Trust and Tollcross Housing Association, offers a money advice service to tenants and the wider community including owners.

This is a free and confidential service provided by an experienced team.

The assistance on offer includes:

  • Help with debt issues for example catalogue, pay day loans
  • Council Tax Reduction and any issues with your claim
  • Benefit check service, to ensure you receive your full entitlements

The Service can help you complete benefit forms and give advice on the following and more:

  • How to manage your debt using an income and expenditure form and assistance with budgeting
  • Scottish Welfare Fund
  • Universal Credit

The TSMAS service is available by contacting the Association’s office.  If you call, an appointment will be made with one of the money advice staff. 0141 763 0511 or email